There has been a debate about superbugs for some time. More recently, a published scientific article has appeared on how biological wastewater treatments can promote the development of superpathogens (a broader group that includes viruses among others). It is necessary to clarify some questions and at Amapex we want to analyze the potential repercussions that […]
Category Archives: Wastewater treatment
The demands and limits of discharges in terms of industrial wastewater are increasingly strict, forcing companies to undertake water analysis, to be able to decide the best water treatments that help eliminate – in the best of cases – or reduce the presence of polluting chemicals used in their activities. Until now, conventional wastewater treatments […]
Reduction and compaction of sludge in a wastewater treatment plant using biotechnology. In the treatment of industrial wastewater, large amounts of sludge are generated as a result, requiring its extraction to be treated or that can be used as composting. In most industrial wastewater treatment plants (WWTP), the formation and treatment of this sludge is […]
The huge amount of pollutants from industrial activities represents a threat to the ecological and environmental balance. Chlorinated organic compounds, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, pesticides, dioxins, industrial dyes, and other xenobiotics are among the most significant industrial pollutants. A great variety of these xenobiotics are substrates for different types of enzymes, consequently, susceptible to enzymatic transformation. […]
The reuse of wastewater is an alternative that can be efficient in countries under water stress. According to the UN in its World Report on the Development of Water Resources of 2018, it is estimated that 4,600 km3 / year are consumed and an increase of 30% is expected by 2050. 80% of that consumption […]
Dual wastewater treatment with biotechnology and electrochemistry. Today, wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) clean wastewater to be able to return it to the environment, treating it as waste and allocating many resources, both energy, and economics, in its purification. In addition, it is increasing the engineering and the elimination of the innovative technology that we consent […]
Within the HORIZON 2020 program of Research and Development of the European Union, in the call for the month of September 2017, our company has participated in the SME (Small and Medium Business) section with the “RIBATI” Project, for the development of a commercialization process of a bacterial solution for cleaning waters contaminated with recalcitrant […]
The product “PETRONET – ALFA”, from the range of products developed by AMAPEX, has been tested, first in a pilot plant and later in industrial production, to remove contaminants from the washing of textile pieces in dry cleaning and textile finishing factories. These processes need to use large amounts of water (about 40 Liters of […]
As part of the research work carried out by our team, we have been provided with samples of heavily contaminated wastewater from the manufacture of insecticides and pesticides. This water, in addition to a high concentration of Lindane, contained a significant quantity of other contaminants, such as Mercury and chlorinated compounds.