The demands and limits of discharges in terms of industrial wastewater are increasingly strict, forcing companies to undertake water analysis, to be able to decide the best water treatments that help eliminate – in the best of cases – or reduce the presence of polluting chemicals used in their activities.
Until now, conventional wastewater treatments have a high cost and require a large amount of resources, such as energy and reagents, and can also be inefficient.
As a result of research in the field of biotechnology, at Amapex we have developed a novel industrial wastewater treatment and purification system, which has as its main benefits:
- Reduction of up to 59% in treatment costs per m3 compared to conventional systems.
- Elimination of up to 70% of the pollutants present in the water, as a consequence, minimizing the environmental impact of industrial activities.
- Obtaining water up to 70% cleaner that can be reused in the production process or dumped directly into the public water network without the need for additional treatments.
This biological water purification system is characterized by being a:
- Tailor-made solution for each type of industry.
- Compatible with other wastewater treatments, and can be incorporated into any phase of the system currently present in the company.
- Allows intelligent activation, dosing and monitoring of the entire process, if premium SDU (Smart Doser Unit) technology is used.
Project co-financed by the European Union
This biotechnology-based project is being co-financed by the European Union, through the Horizon 2020 program, thanks to its contributions to industry in general and as a new solution in the treatment of industrial wastewater.
Our objective is to pass on the benefits of our research and solution as much as possible, for which we are inviting industrial companies that want to reduce the cost of their wastewater treatment, participating in an audit co-financed by the European Union.
Wastewater audit
If your industrial company wants to participate in this audit to assess the potential benefits it could obtain with the implementation of this biological wastewater treatment, contact us!
The audit consists of seven essential steps:
- Analysis of the treatment process.
- Sampling and analysis.
- Pilot test in laboratory and pilot in our facilities.
- Analysis of technological complementarity of the AMAPEX solution.
- Estimation of improvement objectives vs. initial measurements.
- Assessment of economic and environmental benefits.
- Benefits of participating in the audit
After the development of the audit and analysis of the wastewater in the pilot test, your industrial company will obtain a report of the results of the state of its wastewater before and after the application, with the objective assessment of the benefits that you will obtain after its implementation.
Proven solution in various sectors
Our solution has proven effectiveness in the most diverse industrial sectors such as textile, mechanical metal, chemical, tanning, paints with a reduction of up to 30% of pollutants with respect to the current treatment.
Some examples:
- In the textile sector, it allows the elimination of up to 90% of the recalcitrant elements present in these waters, allowing their reuse.
- In the tanning sector, the formulation combined with SDU technology allows us to incorporate a large number of bacteria that act quickly in the treatment of this type of water.
- In the metalworking industry, the presence of bacteria is multiplied by up to 10,000 times, allowing effective separation of lubricants, oils, and other emulsions.
We invite you to visit our section “Success stories” to discover the results of the application of our system in other sectors. For more information, do not hesitate to write us!