In May 2020, the European Commission, through its Horizon 2020 program, selected the Amapex Environment project to be co-financed in the development of new solutions for the treatment of industrial wastewater.
With this new recognition, Amapex Environment will go further in the design of new biotechnological solutions for the most important industrial sectors of the European economy, improving its results in terms of wastewater treatment.
Intelligent device responsible for activating and dosing biological solution in industrial waste water
Horizon 2020 (H2020) framework program of the European Union
Horizon 2020 is a program that finances research and innovation projects in various thematic areas in the European context, which contributes to addressing the main social challenges, promotes leadership in the European industry and reinforces excellence in its scientific base.
The H2020 program has three strategic objectives:
1. Create a science of excellence.
2. Develop technologies and their applications to improve the competitiveness of the continent, and
3. It promotes research activities in relation to major issues that affect European citizens.
Seal of Excellence distinction by the EC
In addition to achieving co-financing in the Horizon 2020 Program, Amapex has previously been recognized by the EC with its Seal of Excellence.
This distinction rewards those projects that stand out for their great ability to improve the competitiveness of companies internationally, thanks to the innovation that these projects develop at a technological and scientific level.

In our case, the use of bacteria and microorganisms that are deeply efficient in the treatment of industrial wastewater and powered by the technology we develop.
At Amapex we have been recognized for the great savings capacity that we offer to European companies in the treatment of their contaminated industrial effluents, as well as the effectiveness with which we do so.
At the same time, it rewards the innovative way we do it, as well as our muscles for the innovative development of environmental solutions.
We have received this recognition with enthusiasm and encourages us to continue our research on solutions that improve the competitiveness of companies in Europe in a way that is environmentally responsible, also contributing to the recycling of a resource as necessary as water and helping companies in its conversion to the circular economy, facilitating its economic, social and environmental development.
With renewed energy, we have decided to invest in the investigation of the revaluation of energy resources, contributing to the energy self-sufficiency of European companies.
Follow the link for more information about our solutions for wastewater treatment.